
ISOPA Carrier Day 2018 – Hosted by Huntsman Holland bv in Rotterdam/Botlek, Netherlands

The transportation of chemicals is a specialist activity that requires a high level of responsibility, that is why ISOPA, together with its member company, Huntsman Holland bv, hosted the annual Carrier Day at the Rotterdam/Botlek site. 

ISOPA brought together isocyanate manufacturers, carriers involved in transporting diisocyantes and, for the first time, the two major downstream users (PU Europe and Europur).This year’s Carrier Day saw 60 participants from across the value chain attend the training.

Juni Daalmans, a security psychologist, provided an interesting keynote speech on the topic of cognitive behaviour to kick-off the training. However, the majority of the day was spent focusing on the 4th edition of the ISOPA Bulk Guidelines (to be released soon). Four break-out groups were created and the new bulk guidelines and key issues were addressed in detail. Overall the day was a success, which showed the commitment of all participants and organisations to the safe transport of diisocyanates.