Sustainability and eco-profiles
- Eco-Profiles MDI / TDI
- Methodological information Eco-Profiles ecoinvent
- Polyurethane Energy Recovery and Feedstock Recycling Technology
- Market sectors – Recycling & Recovery PU foam from appliances
- Market sectors – Recycling & Recovery PU foam from cars
- Market sectors – Recycling & Recovery PU foam from construction and demolition
- Market sectors – Recycling & Recovery of comfort PU foam
- Chemical and Feedstock recycling
- Technologies – Energy Recovery
- Technologies – Material Recycling – Flexible Rebonded Foam
- Technologies – Reuse & Reprocessing
- List Statement on Chemical Recycling of Fact Sheet references with suggested reading material
- Long & short-chain Polyether Polyols for PU Products
- The END-OF-LIFE of flexible POLYURETHANE foam from Mattresses and Furniture (August 2021)
Socio-economic data and polyurethane information
- Industry Data : Socio-economic contribution of the PU industry to growth and jobs in Europe [2024 version] [2019 version][2014 version][2003 version]
- Benefits of Polyurethanes
- The Benefits of Polyurethanes in Transportation
- The Role of Polyurethane in the Cold Food Chain
- Saving Energy in Buildings through Thermal Insulation with Polyurethane
Fire safety and Combustibility
- Assessment of extinguishing waters from intermediate-scale fire tests
- Dealing with fires involving MDI and TDI
- Performance of Polyurethanes (PUR) Building Products in Fires [EN] [FR]
- Risk Assessment of smoke in Buildings: Fire safety Engineering & PU insulation products
- Sandwich Panel Testing and Euro-Classification
- Facade Fire Test on PUR External Thermal Insulation Composite System (ETICS)
- Co-combustion of Building Insulation Foams with Municipal Solid Waste: Summary report – Full report
Product Stewardship
- Emergency Response Manual for Transport of TDI and MDI
- Safe Loading/Unloading, Transportation, Storage of TDI and MDI in Bulk 4th edition [EN – master version] [DE] [FR] [ES] [NL]
- Safe Transportation, Unloading & Storage of Packaged TDI and MDI [EN – master version] [DE] [ES] [IT] [FR] [NL]
- PU Foam Sealants, Foam Fillers and One Component Foams – Economical and Safe to Handle [June 2011][DE] [EN] [FR]
- Letters to customs officers:
CZ | DE | EN | ES | FR |
IT | PL | PT | RO | RU(c) |
RU(l) | SK | TUR | UA(c) | UA(l) |
Driver Training
Safe Use of Diisocyanates
- Tutorial video on how to book a self-eLearning
One Step Ahead
Exposure Scenarios and Use Descriptors
- ISOPA translation of PROCs into PU language
- What to do if your use or application does not appear to be covered by the listed exposure scenarios ?
- ISOPA Letter to Trade Associations & Downstream Users
- ISOPA interpretation on selection of Use Descriptors
- ISOPA translation of PROCs into PU language
- ISOPA interpretation on selection of Use Descriptors