ISOPA/ALIPA and secova cooperate on diisocyanates training

ISOPA/ALIPA and secova cooperate on diisocyanates training

The training material on the safe use of diisocyanates developed by ISOPA/ALIPA is now available on secova’ s EHS software sam®. ISOPA/ALIPA, the trade associations for diisocyanate producers in Europe and one of the leading software companies in the field of...

Start der Europäischen Digitalen Ausbildungsplattform

Die Hersteller von Diisocyanaten in Europa, vertreten durch ISOPA und ALIPA, werden am 1. November gemeinsam mit großen europäischen Downstream-Verbänden eine neue digitale Schulungsplattform lancieren. Diese Plattform wird allen Nutzern von Diisocyanaten in ganz...

European Digital Training Platform to be launched on 1st November 2021

The manufacturers of diisocyanates in Europe, represented by ISOPA and ALIPA, will launch together with major European Downstream Associations a new digital training platform on the 1st of November. This platform will be available for all users of diisocyanates across...